Analyst Coverage

The following is a list of analysts who cover GLP J-REIT.

As of Jun. 20, 2024

This table can be scrolled sideways.

Company Analyst
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Hiroshi Torii
Okasan Securities Co., Ltd. Mikio Namiki
Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Laboratory Co., Ltd. Takashi Nakamura
Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd. Sachiko Okada
JPMorgan Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Ryota Himeno
CLSA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Masahiro Mochizuki
Citigroup Global Markets Japan Inc. Masashi Miki
Daiwa Securities Co. Ltd. Noritaka Hobo
Nomura Securities Co., Ltd. Kohei Omura
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Yosuke Ohata
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd. Takuya Sato
UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Kazufumi Takeuchi

※Companies are listed in Japanese syllabary order.

GLP J-REIT and GLP Japan Advisors Inc. (“the asset management company") are aware that GLP J-REIT is currently being covered by the research analysts listed above.
The list does not purport to be comprehensive or exhaustive and is subject to change in the future.
Please note that any information and recommendations, including analysis, opinions, estimates and forecasts, made by the research analysts regarding GLP J-REIT’s performance or strategies or any other matters are based on their own judgment, and neither GLP J-REIT nor the asset management company is involved in any process of the preparation thereof.
Please also note that this list is provided solely for the purpose of providing the names of research analysts who provide analysis or projections on GLP J-REIT and names of the firms to which such research analysts belong. Neither GLP J-REIT nor the asset management company endorses, assures or guarantees any information, projections, opinions or recommendations made by the research analysts and the firms to which such analysts belong.
The coverage of, and any information or recommendations, including analysis, opinions, estimates or forecasts, made by, the research analysts and the firms to which such analysts belong may be changed or discontinued without any involvement of GLP J-REIT or the asset management company, and neither GLP J-REIT nor the asset management company is responsible for such change or discontinuation.
The list does not constitute an offer or a solicitation to purchase or sell any securities issued by GLP J-REIT.
Any investment decisions shall be made by each investor solely based on their own judgment and at their own risk.

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